The Cultural Evening

The Cultural Evening of the Training for Trusteeship Workshop highlights the richness and diversity of various cultures. This is achieved by a charity concert consisting of several acts by local performers. The objective of the show is to highlight the philosophical basis and meaning of the concept of trusteeship through the performing and audio-visual arts. It aims to create harmony and cross-cultural understanding through music, art and drama by providing a common platform to showcase these talents neglected by society. These acts, though contemporary, have a traditional flavour in recognizing the principles enshrined within the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Heritage 1992 and other international, regional and national legal instruments.

Previous performers include students from Dr. Reijntje’s School for the Deaf and The Lionel Ranwala Dance Foundation, not to mention numerous others, as well as past participants of the TFT workshops.

Would you like to participate the the Cultural Evening performance?

If you would like to participate or know of any performers who would like to do so, do not hesitate to contact the Weeramantry Centre by phone, letter, or email.